Interacted Project

Play to the game “INTERACTed”: a place where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur and your imagination becomes the key to a magical universe.

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Interactive Digital Narratives in School Education

Multimedia tools to tell an interactive story involving multiple subject areas

INTERACTed is a project funded by Erasmus plus program (KA2) that works to support primary schools educators towards integrated Interactive Digital Narratives (IDN) to develop the student’s socio-emotional intelligence and empathy. 

INTERACTed is about:

Digital tools


Socio-emotional intelligence


Motivation to learn

Why Interactive Digital Storytelling?

To support school-teachers to learn how to provide playful and engaging social emotional learning (SEL).

To support children affected by COVID-19 disruption.

Why in primary schools?

Covid-19 has deepened the severity of the need for digital transformation and to learn how to learn effectively in this ‘new normal’. Many children, in a European context, do not have easy access to technology and this can become an obstacle to the realization of an inclusive digital education.

Why the focus on emotions?

Emotions play a significant role in a wide range of human cognitive processes including learning. For children affected by COVID 19 the disorder becomes important to find playful strategies to motivate them and thus involve them in all kinds of learning.


We plan to involve


To provide a practical guide to deliver professional development courses for primary school teachers on the use of interactive digital narratives for developing students’ emotional intelligence and empathy.

Primary school teachers

To enrich their digital capacity towards integration of interactive digital narratives for developing students’ emotional intelligence and empathy.

Primary school students

Students aged 6-12, engaged with novel digital tools for cultivating the socio-emotional intelligence and empathy.


Ministries of education, interested to adopt the INTERACTed framework with its accompanied elements, toward inclusive digital education at a primary level.

We work to create

Professional Development Programme

Click on the flag to download a national version of file

Online game

Learning toolkit

Click on the flag to download a national version of file

Reflections and Policy Reccomendations Report

The partnership

Keep in touch...

If you want to contact us or wish to receive more information about the Interacted project, please fill out the form below. We will reply as soon as possible.